Karyn Simpson.

Writer. Videojournalist. Editor. Science nerd.

When I seven years old, I sat down at the desk my mom had painted for me, and I wrote a book. Illustrated with my best colored pencils and scrawled in my little-kid handwriting on blank printer paper I'd filched from my parent's bedroom, the story was an absolute disaster starring four of my favorite Beanie Baby stuffed animals. I didn't care - I had found what I loved, and I spent many an afternoon bent over my desk imagining new stories.

Almost 20 years later, storytelling is still my passion. Stories have the power to draw attention to things that matter, to educate and excite, inspire and inform, and I pour the same energy into my videography, writing, editing, photography and design that I once did into crafting that book. My utensils are no longer crayons and copy paper, but they inspire the same eagerness, and I can't wait to see where they take me.

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